Day Ticket reduced
The affordable day ticket, especially for students.
With the reduced day ticket you can travel the whole day by bus, tram, S-Bahn or ferry. No matter how many times. No matter where. You already save from the 3rd trip!
Target Group
Reduced day tickets are valid for
- children aged 6 to including 14 years
- holder of a Warnowpass with the imprint SozT (ALGII- and social welfare recipients)
- owner of the Rostock volunteer card
Children aged 0 to 5 years travel free of charge.
Area of Validity
The day ticket is valid
- in Rostock in the entire route network
- in the region in the selected tariff zones
- in all means of transport (bus, tram, suburban train, ferry)
period of validity
The day ticket reduced can be used from time of validation until 3.00 a.m. of the following day.