Privacy Policy

The Rostocker Straßenbahn AG (RSAG) operates the website and would thus like to inform you in the following policy of the extent to which your data is collected when you use our website and for which purpose this data is used.

Responsibility for Processing Your Personal Data

The RSAG observes the valid and most recent data protection regulations and is the data controller responsible for adherence to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Rostocker Straßenbahn AG
Hamburger Straße 115
18069 Rostock

If you have any queries, contact us using the channels named in the Imprint.
Our company’s data protection officer is available for specific questions regarding data protection. (

What do we do with your data?

We only use the data you give us for our own purposes pursuant to Art. 6(1), points (b) and (f) GDPR, to present our services to you, for the purpose of processing contracts (e.g. subscription contracts) and to protect our legitimate business interests with regard to tailoring our products to meet customer needs.

When you use our website for information purposes, information about that use is collected, exclusively in the form of anonymous statistics, which we use to optimise our information and dialogue offering. In doing so, we do not carry out an identification of our website users.

Any other exchange of information when using our forms is carried out via a secure connection (https).
As a general rule, your contact data and any information you provide us with is stored until we have dealt with your enquiry. Your data is automatically deleted 30 days after receipt.

As a general rule, we process your data on workplace computers in the RSAG which are secured with safety measures from unauthorised access, loss or modification.
Companies commissioned by us to process data are always carefully selected in accordance with the data protection regulations and contractually obligated to adhere to all data protection regulations.
You have a comprehensive right of access to information about the data relating to you which is stored by our company.
Our employees are bound to protect data secrecy.

Adherence to this privacy policy is monitored by our data protection officer.

Duration of Storage/Erasure

Your customer data is only stored for specific purposes and in the scope, which is absolutely necessary to perform our tasks. As soon as the purpose has evidently been fulfilled, authorisation is given for the data to be erased within the framework of the legal possibilities and it is periodically erased or blocked.

Data Recipients

The services of Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are used to optimise our offering and efficiently design our website. Usage is for our own purpose following from contractual bases pursuant to Art. 6(1) point (f).

Hosting and Server Log Files

The company GECKO (GECKO mbH, Deutsche- Med-Platz 2, 18057 Rostock) has been commissioned to host our website.

The hosting services used by us are handled by our contractually bound service provider in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. In doing so, our service provider processes the inventory data, contact data, communication data of our customers and visitors. In addition, data about each access to the server where the service is situated is stored (so-called server log files). This data includes the name of the accessed website, file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, report on successful access, browser type and version, the user’s operating system, referrer URL (the site which was visited beforehand), IP-address and the requesting provider. After seven days at the latest the data is anonymised by shortening the IP-address, so that it is no longer possible to link it to the individual user.

The services of the hosting provider are used on the basis of our legitimate interest in an optimised, efficient and secure online offering pursuant to Art. 6(1) point (f).


We use cookies to optimise our website. This enables us to offer you better access to our website. They are small text files which are stored in your computer’s internal memory. There are different types of cookies. Some are deleted again once you have closed your browser. Other cookies stay on your computer (long-term cookies) and recognise it when you next visit the website.

If you do not wish cookies to be stored, you can deactivate this function in the browser you use.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files which are stored on your computer and which enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information created by the cookie on your use of this website is generally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

However, if IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will first be shortened by Google within the member states of the European Union or other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address will only be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there in exceptional cases.

Google is commissioned by the operator of this website to use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide the website operator with additional services related to the use of the website and the internet.
The IP address transferred from your browser within the framework of Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data. You can prevent cookies being stored by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we wish to point out, that if you do so, you may possibly not be able to fully use all features of this website. Furthermore, you can prevent the collection of data which is created by the cookie regarding your use of the website (incl. your IP-address) by Google as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in which is available under the following link.

This website uses Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizeIp()”. In this process, IP addresses are only used in a shortened version to preclude direct reference to persons. This guarantees an anonymised collection of IP addresses.

Social Media

We are active on the social networks Facebook, YouTube and Twitter where we operate our own fan pages, to stay in touch with our customers who are active there and to inform about our offers.

Please note that in this case user data may also be processed outside the area of the European Union by the social networks referred to above. Furthermore, your data is generally processed for market research and advertising purposes. For example, user profiles can be created from user behaviour and the ensuing user interests. The user profiles can in turn be used, for example, to place adverts on and outside the platforms which presumably correspond to user interests. As a general rule, cookies which store user behaviour and the user’s interests are stored for these purposes on the computers of the users. Furthermore, data can be stored in the usage profiles irrespective of the devices used by the users (especially if the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged into them).
If you require information or wish to assert your user rights vis-à-vis these platforms, please note that the most effective way of doing so, is by asserting them yourself vis-à-vis the providers. Only the respective providers have access to user data and can directly take the appropriate measures and provide information. Should you require assistance nonetheless, please contact us.

Data Processing by Twitter

The website has a quick link to RSAG’s Twitter profile (Twitter, Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107).

If you use the Twitter website, certain information from your browser is automatically stored on Twitter’s server. The stored data may include specific information, e.g. the user’s IP address, the type of browser or user domain, websites which are accessed often and search terms which are used often. Other data, such as web adverts you click on, may also be included in the stored data. Our website enables you to link to Twitter. When you access the link to Twitter, data can be assigned to your personal Twitter user account. To prevent this allocation, log out from your Twitter account and, if necessary, delete cookies before visiting our website.
The purpose and scope of data collection and data use by Twitter as well as your rights and set-up options to protect you as a Twitter user can be found in Twitter’s privacy policy. (

Data Processing by Facebook

The website has a quick link to RSAG’s Facebook profile (Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland).

If you use the Facebook website, certain information from your browser is automatically stored on Facebook’s server. The stored data may include specific information, e.g. the user’s IP address, the type of browser or user domain, websites which are accessed often and search terms which are used often. Other data, such as web adverts you click on, may also be included in the stored data. Our website enables you to link to Facebook. When you access the link to Facebook, data can be assigned to your personal Facebook user account. To prevent this allocation, log out from your Facebook account and, if necessary, delete cookies before visiting our website.

The purpose and scope of data collection and data use by Facebook as well as your rights and set-up options to protect you as a Facebook user can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy (

Data Processing by YouTube

The website has a quick link to RSAG’s YouTube profile (YouTube LLC, Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA).

If you use the YouTube website, certain information from your browser is automatically stored on YouTube’s server. The stored data may include specific information, e.g. the user’s IP address, the type of browser or user domain, websites which are accessed often and search terms which are used often. Other data, such as web adverts you click on, may also be included in the stored data. Our website enables you to link to YouTube. When you access the link to YouTube, data can be assigned to your personal YouTube user account. To prevent this allocation, log out from your YouTube account and, if necessary, delete cookies before visiting our website.
In addition, we embed YouTube videos on this website. To do so the extended data protection mode is used.

The purpose and scope of data collection and data use by YouTube as well as your rights and set-up options to protect you as a YouTube user can be found in YouTube’s privacy policy (

To answer comments and messages which we receive through the social networks Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, we use the service SocialHub provided by maloon GmbH, Schütterlettenweg 4, 85053 Ingolstadt. We rely on the provider’s reliability and IT as well as its data security. Furthermore, we have a concluded a data processing agreement with maloon GmbH. This is an agreement in which maloon GmbH undertakes to protect user data, to process this data for us in accordance with the data protection provisions of the agreement, and in particular to not transfer it to third parties.

Rights of the Data Subject

In accordance with statutory requirements, data subjects have the following rights pursuant to Arts. 15–22 GDPR: Right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing and data portability.

Furthermore, pursuant to Art. 14(2) point (c) in connection with Art. 21 GDPR, the data subject has a right to object to processing based on Art. 6(1) point (f) GDPR.

Right to Lodge a Complaint with a Supervisory Authority

Pursuant to Art. 77 GDPR the data subject has the right, to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, if they are of the opinion that processing of their personal data is unlawful.